A Guide to Launching Your Digital Product Using an MVP

Learn from Airbnb, Uber to build an MVP. Save time & launch fast.
July 10, 2024

Imagine you have an idea for a new product or service. You're excited about the potential but unsure if there's a market for it. You could spend a lot of time and money developing the perfect product, but what if there's no demand?

That's where the minimum viable product (MVP) comes in. An MVP is the simplest version of your product that you can build to test your hypothesis and get feedback from potential customers.

An MVP doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, it's better if it's not. The goal is to get something out there that you can test and learn from.

A few tips for building an MVP

  • Start with a clear understanding of your target market and their needs.
  • Focus on the core features that your customers need.
  • Feel free to iterate and improve your product over time.
  • Get feedback from customers as early and often as possible.

By following these tips, you can build an MVP that will help you test your hypothesis and get feedback from potential customers. This will give you the information you need to make sure that you're building something that people want, and it will help you reduce risk and increase your chances of success.

Many famous companies started with MVPs before developing complex solutions for users. See some examples below.

4 examples of successful digital products that were launched with MVPs


The Airbnb data-driven MVP process began with collecting data on traveler behavior. Airbnb co-founders Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk collected data on where people were looking for accommodation, how much they were willing to spend, and what they were looking for in accommodation. They used this data to create an MVP that met the needs of travelers.

The Airbnb MVP was a simple website that allowed people to rent rooms in their homes. The website was launched in 2008 and quickly became popular. Today, Airbnb is one of the largest accommodation rental platforms in the world.

The success of Airbnb is an example of how data can be used to create a minimum viable product. By collecting data on traveler behavior, Airbnb co-founders were able to create a product that met the needs of customers and was successful.


The Dropbox MVP was a simple desktop application that allowed users to synchronize files between two computers. The application was launched in 2008 and went viral. Today, Dropbox is one of the most popular cloud storage services in the world.

The key to the success of Dropbox's MVP was that it was simple and focused on solving a real problem. The application was easy to use and allowed users to synchronize files quickly and easily. This made it a valuable tool for students, professionals, and people who needed to keep their files synchronized across multiple devices.

How Dropbox used the MVP to learn from its users and iterate on its product? The company collected feedback from users through surveys, interviews, and analysis of usage data. This feedback was used to improve the application and add new features.


Slack's MVP launch was met with positive user feedback and quickly gained traction. But, the company did not rest on its laurels. They actively encouraged user feedback and engagement through various channels, including direct communication with users, feedback forms, and user community forums.

The user feedback received by Slack was invaluable for iterating and improving the product. They continuously listened to their users, identifying pain points, feature requests, and areas for enhancement.

Slack's development team worked to address these user needs, introducing new features, integrations, and customization options to enhance the user experience.

Slack's iterative approach allowed them to refine their product based on real-world usage and user feedback. As they incorporated user suggestions and expanded their feature set, Slack grew rapidly and became the go-to communication platform for teams worldwide.


Uber's MVP was launched in 2010 in San Francisco, California. The MVP was a ride-hailing service that allowed users to request a car through the Internet or the mobile app. Uber quickly gained popularity in San Francisco and was expanded to other cities in the United States and the world.

The MVP was built on a limited budget. Uber's development team used an existing app called Sidecar as the basis for Uber's MVP. The company also used an existing payment platform called Stripe to process payments.

Uber was a success and was well-received by users and hit the mainstream. Uber became one of the most valuable technology companies in the world.

These examples show how MVPs are essential to achieve successful results without wasting your team's time and money. If you are considering launching a digital product, I encourage you to consider using an easy tool that shows data in a simple way to measure the results of your tests.

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