Unveiling the "Fake Door" Testing: Validating Ideas Before Launch

Discover "Fake Door Testing": an ingenious way to gauge product demand and feasibility before full development.
July 10, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of product development, the ability to validate your ideas before investing significant resources is a game-changer. This is where the "Fake Door" testing enters the scene. In this post, we'll dive into the concept of the technique and its role in efficiently validating your product ideas before launch.

What is the Fake Door Testing and How It Works

This kind of test serves as a strategic approach employed by the product team to assess the potential demand and feasibility of a product before it's fully developed. The concept is both simple and ingenious: instead of building a complete product, you create a façade – a mockup, landing page, or prototype – that showcases the features and functionalities you envision. Users are then guided to this representation under the impression that the product is ready for interaction. However, some of these features remain mere "fake doors," non-functional elements that simulate real interactions.

The principle of the technique is to measure user engagement and interest. When users interact with these elements and express frustration or disappointment due to their non-functionality, it's a compelling indicator that the particular feature is desirable. Conversely, if users don't react strongly to the fake doors, it suggests that the feature might not be as crucial as thought.

Validating Product Ideas with Fake Doors: Step by Step

Do you have questions about how to start testing your future features? See some tips below

  • Set clear goals. What do you want to learn from the test? Are you testing the demand for a new feature, the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, or something else? Having clear goals will help you design and interpret the results of the test.
  • Choose the right audience. Not all users are created equal. Make sure to target your test to the specific audience that you're interested in learning more about.
  • Create a realistic experience. The fake door should be as realistic as possible so that users don't get confused or frustrated. The copy, design, and functionality should all be consistent with the rest of your product or website.
  • Measure the right metrics. The success of your test will depend on the metrics you choose to measure. Common metrics include click-through rate, conversion rate, and time on page.
  • Run the test for enough time. It's important to give the test enough time to run so that you can collect enough data to make an informed decision.
  • Analyze the results carefully. Don't just look at the overall click-through rate or conversion rate. Dig deeper into the data to see what's driving the results.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Be transparent with users. Let them know that the feature they're seeing is not yet available. This will help to avoid disappointment and frustration.
  • Test multiple variations. It's a good idea to test many variations of the fake door to see which one performs best. This will help you to optimize your results.
  • Use a fake door testing tool. There are a number of tools available that can help you to create and run tests. These tools can make the process easier and more efficient.

Collecting and Analyzing Data from Fake Doors for Decision-Making

Effective validation through this kind of test relies on meticulous data collection and analysis. Here are key metrics and data points to consider:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measure the percentage of users clicking on fake elements. A higher CTR indicates greater interest in the corresponding feature.
  • Engagement Time: Track the duration users spend on your façade. Longer engagement times signal higher levels of interest.
  • Bounce Rate: Track the rate at which users quickly leave the page. A high bounce rate might show confusion or disinterest.
  • Qualitative Feedback: Gather qualitative feedback through user surveys and comments to gain deeper insights into their expectations and frustrations.

Examples of Companies Successfully Using the Fake Door Testing

  • Buffer

Buffer is a social media management tool that helps users schedule posts across multiple platforms. They wanted to add an Instagram scheduling feature, but they weren't sure if there was enough demand for it.

To test this, they created a landing page with a non-functional "schedule" button. This allowed them to see how many people were interested in the feature without actually having to develop it.

The results of the test were very positive. A large number of people clicked on the "schedule" button, indicating that there was a lot of interest in the feature. Based on this feedback, Buffer decided to develop the Instagram scheduling feature, which was a huge success.

  • Tesla

Tesla used a fake door test to gauge demand for its first car before it was even built. They asked customers to put down a $5,000 deposit to secure a build date. This allowed Tesla to see how many people were interested in the car and how much they were willing to pay for it. This information was essential for Tesla to make decisions about production and pricing.

The traditional way to launch a new car is to start selling it once it is available. However, Tesla's fake door test allowed them to get valuable feedback from customers before they had even built the car. This gave them a significant advantage over their competitors.

  • Polyvore

Polyvore was an online store that allowed users to create and share outfits. They wanted to test the demand for a new feature that would allow users to buy outfits as a set. They were also unsure of whether customers would buy more if they got a bigger discount.

To test these assumptions, Polyvore created a fake clothing brand and the product team handled payment and shipping themselves. This allowed them to test the feature without having to invest in the development and marketing of a new brand.

The results of the test showed that there was a lot of interest in the outfit sales feature. Customers were also more likely to buy more if they got a bigger discount. This information helped Polyvore to make decisions about the development and marketing of the feature.


The Fake Door testing presents a strategic approach to validating product ideas before they enter the development phase. Using simulated interactions and observing user behavior, you can make informed decisions about which features are worth investing in.

Remember, the success of this testing lies in its ability to provide insights into user preferences and needs, enabling you to create products that resonate with your target audience.

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